Token Distribution

Token Name: $OTTO

Total supply: 1 Trillion $OTTO tokens


  • 50% - Airdrop allocated to Octopus community, NEAR community, Substrate ecosystem, Cosmos ecosystem, partner communities and DAOs, influencers and individuals

    • 17% allocated to Octopus network

    • 6% allocated to NEAR Ecosystem

    • 21% allocated to partner Community, DAOs, Influencers and individual wallets , Early partner Incubation hub and startups

    • 4% allocated to Cosmos Hub and partner Cosmos ecosystem projects

    • 2% allocated to partner EVM compatible projects

  • 20% - Allocated to Ecosystem growth

    • 15% - Dapp incentives

    • 5% - Support Ecosystem initiatives and Philanthropic initiatives

  • 15% - Allocated to Otto-chain Core team and Octopus Nation

    • 12% allocated to Core team

    • 3% allocated to Octopus Nation

  • 10% - Allocated to IDO

  • 5% - DEX Liquidity

Link to understand about Inflation of $OTTO tokens:-


Table Of Distribution





Ecosystem growth


Octopus Nation and Ottochain Team




DEX Liquidity

Airdrop Distribution



Octopus Network

4% to $OCT IDO Participants

4% to currently active validators and delegators

3% to 1000+ OCT token holders (Snapshot TBA)

2% to currently operating appchain token holders with atleast $30 worth (Snapshot TBA)

1% to IDO Participants of DEIP and Discovol

1% to active Octopus Nation members active since May

1% to members of Octopus DAO

1% to all holders of $OCT tokens (snapshot TBA)



4% allocated to the NEAR Restaking participants (Details TBA)

1% for holders of more than 500 $NEAR tokens (Snapshot TBA)

0.5% for active NEAR Wallets with a minimum of 200 transactions. (Activity from September 2023 onwards)

0.5% for iamhuman verified voters



9% = Given to individual wallets that participate in testnet and any form of marketing and community activities. Partner DApps, DAOs, regional communities, NEAR KOLs, supporters and builders on NEAR's BOS

5% = Qualified DApps via the Ottochain Builders Program

3% = NearOcto Legends NFT Holders

1% = KOLs and Marketing Partners as agreed by a majority of the Ottochain core team.

1% = Community partners/DAOs

1% = Early partner Incubation hubs and startups interested in building on Ottochain before launch

1% = Airdrop to Liquidity providers for some selected pairs



2% = Future IBC partners for channelling liquidity with Cosmos Hub, Osmosis DEX etc

2% = Partner communities and projects within Cosmos ecosystem


2% = Partner EVM ecosystems, Wallets and Exchanges

Vesting Schedules

17% Airdrop allocation to Octopus network

3 month

10% unlocked after cliff, remaining 90% vested for 120 months

10% Airdrop allocation to NEAR

3 month

10% unlocked after cliff, remaining 90% vested for 120 months

17% Airdrop allocation to individual marketing campaigns, Community, DAOs and influencer based Partnerships and Exchange partnerships and Early partner Incubation hubs and start-ups

3 months cliff

0 months cliff for tokens allocated to Liquidity providers on some selected pairs

0 month cliff for tokens allocated to KOLs

2 month cliff for tokens allocated to the builders Program 0 month cliff for NearOcto Legends NFT Holder

10% unlocked after cliff, remaining 90% vested for 120 months.

KOLs, 10% unlocked at start and remaining 90% vested for 6 months Builders winners, 10% unlocked after cliff, remaining 90% vested for 12 months 100% unlock 1st week after launch

4% allocation to Cosmos Ecosystem

Locked till criterias are met

2% allocation to EVM Ecosystem /Wallet Partner/ Exchange Partner

Locked till criterias are met

20% allocation to Ecosystem growth

Unlock upon community approval

15% allocation to core team, Octopus Nation

0 months

10% unlocked after cliff, remaining 90% vested for 120 months

10% allocation to IDO

1 months

100% unlock 30days after IDO ends

5% allocation to Dex Liquidity

0 months

$OCT<> $OTTO Liquidity

Last updated